On this website is my collection, I have been interested/collecting in all aspects of militaria for over 30 years. My interest is broad and covers most things around the WW2 period and over the years I've collected both Aixs & Allied Militaria. I must stress that I do not support in any way the horrendous events that happened d​uring this period I am purely Militaria collector.

My Dad Corporal William Henry Buncher 14779552
My Dad served with the Leicestershire 22nd Infantry Regiment, then with the Warwickshire Regiment 8th Battalion, promoted to Lance Corporal in the Black Watch 7th Battalion , and Finally transferred to the "Glosters" as a Corporal in the 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment.
8 May 1940: The Battalion was involved in the Battle of France, It also took part in the defensive screen protecting the Dunkirk evacuation.
6 June 1944: It took part in the D-Day landings.
September 1944: It was involved in North-West Europe